Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Work Is My Favorite Place To Get My Christ On!

  Once again I get ear fucked by Jesus at work.   I was minding my own business, sitting at my desk (possibly checking my Face book) when my wonderful Office Manager pops her head in.  Let me start by explaining something- my office is 264 sq ft room in the middle of a 20,000 sq ft warehouse about 300 yards away from the main office.  Sheryl (that's what we'll call her) was diagnosed earlier this year with cancer.  She had no qualms at all after the diagnosis about sharing her belief that her god (She's a fundy christian) would determine the outcome of her life and for a short while eluded to the possibility of refusing medical treatments to remove the cancer as that might interfere with gods plan for her.  Any whoodle-  Sheryl pops her head in my door, and starts with the small talk- How have you been? Is everything going good? Do I have plans for my upcoming vacation?  I play nice, despite my outward  appearance and my curse laden rants on this blog I'm a pretty polite guy!  Next topical stop-  her hair growing back. More polite small talk, now I'm just hoping I get outta this whole thing soon because I think I just got a text message... Then, out of nowhere- BAM!  "You know Larry, I just thank the all mighty lord for taking this cancer out of my body, through him all things are possible".  Que awkward smile for me.  "Uhm, okay Sheryl" I reply.  Then as she retreats back out the door and I think I just got grazed by the bullet- she pops her head back in.  "Heavenly father deserves all the glory Larry,  and that's who I give it to. Don't you agree"? Que still awkward, now horrified smile "uhm, sure Sheryl".  I had officially been ear fucked by Jesus- again.

  Look,  I'm not trying to play the poor me card. Such is life in the work place, it's not always ideal.  But here's the catch.  If I was an office manager, and I walked up to ANYONE under me and through polite conversation tossed in a little "Hey,  how bout that whole god thing you believe in being a big ole joke?  A fairy tale, a myth, malarkey." or "I'm calling shenanigans on your bible, whats up?". Would I be seen as some  insensitive prick?  I think so.  Maybe I'd be written up, suspended or fired.  Who knows.  Thing is,  I would never do that.  My personal life is a matter I prefer to keep to myself.  The fact I am an atheist bears absolutely no weight on my ability to do my job (and to do it well I will add).  It just pisses me off that the stigma attached to atheism and my attachment to that word could very well be detrimental to my employment.  I have bills to pay, kids to feed, and a life to live. Advantage- bullying Christians (and they know it). You should have seen the gleam in her eyes, it was more then a little frightening.

  Here's the thing, you guys have churches for that kind of talk.  Really, I see em all over the place!  Chances are you go to one a few times a week.  Unless we car pool to that church together, assume (by all means in this regard) that I think your a fucking idiot and I'm personally offended by your lack of couth.  Now, if I happen to walk into your church feel free to bombard me with all the bullshit you can sling.  I asked for it,  I came to your place.  If I walk into your church and start telling you what I think about your beliefs, then I'm the total asshole and I can accept that. Please realize that your house, and your church are really the best places to keep your religion. I don't want to take it away from you, as that right has been afforded to you by the Constitution.  Just  keep it the fuck out the schools, the government, the work place and especially my office.


  1. Sue that company for creating a hostile work environment...especially if you've already requested not to be included on religious emails by this same person

  2. I get it all of the time too. They forward me Jesus Propaganda in my work email, always tell me they are praying for me... blah... It gets old. I have found anymore I just smile and state at them vacantly, delete their emails, and go about my day.

  3. I think good dr's may have played a role??!!

  4. In Genesis 17:12 God told Abraham to circumcise his male children and his whole house on the eighth day. The blood clotting agent Prothrombin reaches 100% on day seven, but it jumps to 110% on day eight, and drops back to 100% on day nine. Since 100% for one baby might be 100 units of Prothrombin, but 100% might be 80 units for another baby, the Jews couldn't have come to this conclusion over time, as the time it took for each of the different babies wounds to clot would have varied greatly, even if they were both performed on the same day (first day after the birth, second, third etc). And how would they have measured the time it took for the wounds to clot? By counting? They would also have to leave the cut unbound. "And My Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant." The point is that it absolutely HAD to be God breathed information. It couldn't even be a good guess, as the number 7 is sacred as it symbolizes perfection to the Jews, so they would no doubt have gone with day seven if it were a guess.

  5. See also Complete Creation 2nd Edition on youtube for more hard core scientific evidence for the Bible's claims and against those of evolution. Also, please don't base your idea of true christianity on the doctrines of Rome (Catholicism). For instance the Rosary says that Mary is sinless (points 8 & 9 of the 4th glorious mystery, and point 5 of the 4th joyful mystery), yet Jesus Himself says that no one is good except God Mt 19:17. Simple deduction would tell us that Romes official doctrine does claim Mary's status as a goddess, because the rosary itself calls her sinless, a traight that only God holds. Point five of the 4th Joyful Mystery says, "Mary is not subject to the law of purification. This also contradicts Jesus' words in Mt 19:17, as well as Ps 14:1-3, 53:1-3, Ro 3:10-12 & 23, and most strikingly Ga 4:4, which states that Christ was even born under the law. How can the Divine Son of the Living God be born under the law, and yet His 100% earthly mother be above the law?

  6. i don't really have that problem much at work, (of course i've never mentioned to anyone that i'm an athiest) but in everydy life we pretty much have to keep it a secret. to some people ther is no difference between saying "I raped your grandmother while killing a baby and praising satan" and "i'm an athiest". and then these morons turn around and say theat they are still being persecuted and that someone is attacking the catholic church. it gets old.

  7. Oh, anonymous number 1:

    Yeah, you're not worth my time...

    Anon 2: I can quote scripture too!

    Let's see... bash kids heads against rocks, psalms... if a woman gets raped, kill her, leviticus... The jews were polytheistic, but were commanded to follow their version of the god of war for all time, exodus... if you draw a picture of a dove, you're going to hell and no amount repenting can ever save you, leviticus... if you collect firewood on Friday night or Saturday during the day, you should be killed, exodus... Good works will save you, don't just pray, Matthew... Good works are worthless, just pray, John... All women are evil: everything ever written by Saul who changed his name to Paul so that he could get confused by the guy who actually lived in the same continent and century as Jesus...

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! you win the twisted Scripture award!! Btw, you can call me John, for the sake of convenience. The passage about a woman being raped, says that if she's within the city, i.e. where someone can hear her scream, and no one hears her scream, then she has welcomed the raping. You didn't bother to put all that into context now did you? Drawing or sculpting something doesn't get you killed, worshiping the works of your hands did, i.e. bowing down to them as gods got you killed, under the old covenant. Yeah, the Sabbath, a day of total rest, what a drag! Works don't save you, faith does, works are a testament of genuine faith, as opposed to lip service faith. Shall we continue this little dance? Btw, if so, then you should at least look up the verses first, and give them in your comment : )

  9. Oh, and it would be nice, were you an honest atheist to at least acknowledge when you've taken something out of context, or gotten it all wrong, instead of just jumping to the next argument. But I won't hold my breath for you.

  10. I'm a Christian and I do agree with you. I don't think that religion or lack thereof needs to be discussed at work. It's not the time or the place. If you specifically came up to me and asked about my religion I would answer your questions but it's my belief and I wouldn't feel right pushing it on someone else. Just as I don't want them to push it on me.
    I believe in God and I respect your right not to. It's not my place (nor would I ever) say that I think your belief is wrong because it's YOURS.

  11. Cheekie Monkey: What do you consider the appropriate time to witness to people? After all we are commanded to do so. In the streets, on the bus, in a waiting room at the hospital? Witnessing to someone is not forcing your beliefs on them, it's simply expressing to them their need for a Saviour, whether they want to accept it or not. Forcing someone would involve, well, force. Like holding a gun to their head and "forcing" them to convert or die. And yes, I know you said "push" but I'm pretty sure your sentimate was the same.

  12. Btw, Deuteronomy 22:23-24 is the verse on rape. It was to punish women who allow themselves to be raped, without screaming. That's one of my most hated out of context Scriptures there is. I hear it all the time, and it amazes me how many people believe what they hear when it comes to discrediting the Word of God. They never look into it, they just gobble it up. Btw anonymous, you didn't even get the book right! It's not Leviticus, it's Deuteronomy. Care to try and "prove" any of your other claims?

  13. On the topic of the verse referring to a woman being raped....whether or not we use the "out of context" version or the "christians trying to defend their book" version, it's stilled fucked up. Because you know, no rapists in biblical times thought to threaten a woman against screaming. For the bible to say that a woman is at fault for her rape because she didn't scream and she should be killed for that .... I hope none of you believe that is or was ever a rational thought.
