I know what your thinking- "This guy is getting all steamed up again over some shit that doesn't have anything to do with him. That bill passed in Michigan, not in California!" Bullshit, this bill stinks worse then Prop 8 and that one passed here in my home state (which by most maps is considered a "blue" state.) Imagine your daughter being harassed by the PARENTS of a fellow student, being called a whore, and being told that she was going to burn in hell because she was wearing lip gloss. How about your son being told in class by the teacher or principal that he's an idiot for thinking that god doesn't exist (or simply believing in a different one) and that he should repent and accept the lord into his heart to avoid eternal damnation. Hey Mormons- truth is, most born agains and a good percentage of the other Abrahamic factions don't think you're Christian..... So even your kids could get bullied for being different. While I find the irony of that somewhat comforting after the money their organization dumped into the Prop 8 campaign, I will not stand for any child being abused and bullied (not even your Christian kids, which coincidentally aren't protected either.)
The way the bill reads, sincerity is the key to protection. We all should be aware of what Leviticus tells about homosexuality and its consequences (I'm not going to argue the semantics of the scripture, lets just agree that it is generally misrepresented.) Are death threats now tolerable as long as we sincerely have a moral or religious conviction to them? How about hate speech in general? The Ku Klux Klan roots their racism and separatism deep in the bible. How about it being okay for your kid to be called a nigger or a chink or a spic by a teacher, administrator, a fellow student, a fellow students parent, or even the yard supervisor? Sick, sick shit.
Bullying is about power. This bill clearly shows that the Republican Majority (wanna guess what churches they're going to, or which god they're listening to?) in Michigan has the power. Realistically, who is going to suffer because of this bill? Is it going to be the Christian kids? I admit that it's possible but I'd bet my paycheck that it's not likely. As a parent I have an obligation to protect my children. As a human being, and a member of a neighborhood/city/state/country/planet I have an obligation to protect ALL children. This bill does just the opposite as it's written. One simple line shits on the entire premise of the bill by providing the only excuse this country needs to oppress, dehumanize, humiliate, or other wise cause emotional/physical distress and suffering to another human- Religion.
My advice? Contact Senator Gretchen Whitmer (I've included her email, and phone number)and tell her thank you for standing up for YOUR children. Write your own Congressperson and Senator and let them know how much this bill disturbs you. I hope you do. Otherwise, what are you going to do when it's your kid that's being bullied legally by their teacher? This legislation could easily become law in what ever state you happen to be reading this in.
SenGWhitmer@senate.michigan.gov 517-373-1734
SenGWhitmer@senate.michigan.gov 517-373-1734
Perfect Larry. Couldn't have stated it better myself!
tried to email her. Came back undelivered
ReplyDeleteBilly again
The correct email address is up now... I should fire my proof reader.