Can I get an amen? no, okay. I'm getting pretty tired of reading about and hearing from politicians and christian leaders that say the persecution of their religion is the single most dangerous enemy to this country. I'd like to take a look at some percentages, some definitions (I know, facts have never been a real big thing with religion in general.) and see if we can shed some light on the atrocities committed by atheists against the poor christian minority....
Defintion of minority
1 a: the period before attainment of majority
b: the state of being a legal minor
2 : the smaller number of two groups constituting a whole; specifically : a group having less then the number of votes necessary for control
3 a: a part of the population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment
b : a member of a minority group.
With nearly 78% of adult Americans* self identifying as Christian, I can't see how Christians can consider themselves a minority by any stretch of the imagination (unless they are speaking strictly about their individual brand, of which if you are christian and protestant you are in the majority no matter how you slice it). Until you get to the third definition. Here, there is some wiggle room. Are Christians different from the population? Yes, they seperate themselves by their religious convictions. Are they often subjected to differential treatment? That's the tricky part. The nuances of the words leave room for personal interpretation (is anybody shocked that Christianity will take a word, a verse, or an idea and bend it to fit their agenda?). And by taking that interpretation out one more step, Caucasians are also a minority! Lets move on, take a look and consider persecution.
Definition of persecute
1 a: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve , or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief.
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester
Another tricky definition. The way I read the definition it seems to work for their argument. But can you see how the war on terror could be easily construed as persecution of radical militant Islam? And yet red blooded Christian Americans would see this as doing gods work. In the case of the second definition I feel as if I am constantly being persecuted by, and persecuting my 12 year old son. Circle gets the square? I don't know, but it does appear that Christianity (even it's most moderate of practices) could be defined as being persecuted as well as doing some persecuting of its own. I'd personally like to think that the idea of religious persecution hasn't been watered down so thin as to equate requests for human beings to act reasonably in regards to fellow human beings to the atrocities for instance; committed during the Spanish Inquisition.
Can we take a look at how Christians should biblically embrace persecution? I'd sure like to.
2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all those that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
If you're not being persecuted, your doing it wrong according to the Christian handbook. Wanna see some more? Me too!
Matthew 5:10-12 10 "Happy are those who have been persecuted for the sake of rightcheousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. 11 "Happy are you when people reproach you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. 12 Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you.
Isn't being a martyr fun!!!
I've only pulled two out but it's in the bible so it's gotta be true, right Christians? Now, please stop your bitching and whining. This is your lot in life while you enslave yourselves to superstitious mumbo jumbo. I realize these are New testament verses, and that the fire and brimstone mother fuckers still want to go all old testament on everybody. But those fundies are a whole different breed.
This goes out to the Fox news watching moderates who get seriously butt hurt when somebody tells them that it's not okay to have a prayer banner in a high school, or that homosexuality does not destroy family values, (and gay marriage doesn't lead to dog fucking) that science cures and educates, while prayer fails time and time again. To the adults of average intelligence who stopped believing in Santa Clause, but still deeply believe that an invisible all powerful entity is responsible for all of their success, and that they are only being tested by this entities plan with their personal failures and tragedies. Accept the choices you've made by abandoning rational thought or take responsibility for yourself. How does the saying go? Jesus may forgive you, but the rest of us think you're an asshole.
While Christianity constantly tries to circumvent the rights provided ALL citizens of this country Constitutionally, to impose its certain brand of bigotry on 1/5 of the the total population all the while screaming about some perceived injustice because somebody stood up and said "No, that's not right." or because of being called out on blatant bullshit. All I want is to be left to live happily, morally, and with dignity. Without having any religion foisted upon me. I say stay sedated, warm and blissful in your ignorance if it suits you. I won't deny you your shackles. But I will not stand by and watch you attempt to shackle the rest of us. The rumble of discontent gets louder and louder with every generation.
Can we take a look at how Christians should biblically embrace persecution? I'd sure like to.
2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all those that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
If you're not being persecuted, your doing it wrong according to the Christian handbook. Wanna see some more? Me too!
Matthew 5:10-12 10 "Happy are those who have been persecuted for the sake of rightcheousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. 11 "Happy are you when people reproach you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. 12 Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you.
Isn't being a martyr fun!!!
I've only pulled two out but it's in the bible so it's gotta be true, right Christians? Now, please stop your bitching and whining. This is your lot in life while you enslave yourselves to superstitious mumbo jumbo. I realize these are New testament verses, and that the fire and brimstone mother fuckers still want to go all old testament on everybody. But those fundies are a whole different breed.
This goes out to the Fox news watching moderates who get seriously butt hurt when somebody tells them that it's not okay to have a prayer banner in a high school, or that homosexuality does not destroy family values, (and gay marriage doesn't lead to dog fucking) that science cures and educates, while prayer fails time and time again. To the adults of average intelligence who stopped believing in Santa Clause, but still deeply believe that an invisible all powerful entity is responsible for all of their success, and that they are only being tested by this entities plan with their personal failures and tragedies. Accept the choices you've made by abandoning rational thought or take responsibility for yourself. How does the saying go? Jesus may forgive you, but the rest of us think you're an asshole.
While Christianity constantly tries to circumvent the rights provided ALL citizens of this country Constitutionally, to impose its certain brand of bigotry on 1/5 of the the total population all the while screaming about some perceived injustice because somebody stood up and said "No, that's not right." or because of being called out on blatant bullshit. All I want is to be left to live happily, morally, and with dignity. Without having any religion foisted upon me. I say stay sedated, warm and blissful in your ignorance if it suits you. I won't deny you your shackles. But I will not stand by and watch you attempt to shackle the rest of us. The rumble of discontent gets louder and louder with every generation.
The similarity between us and I suspect many others as well, is uncanny. It gives me hope to know there are more folks out there such as myself who have identical views. While I don't blog much I have turned my Facebook Wall into a blog of sorts. It's all I have time for being under-employed and three years from retirement. Keep on fighting the good fight.
ReplyDeleteWhat is even more disturbing is the extension of this. The idea that persecuting their right to enforce bigotry violates their religious freedom. I'm tired of religion getting a pass.