Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facebook and the atheist punk

  I've always been an opinionated asshole, that much I'll concede.  I came out with my atheism fairly recently, and felt compelled to share links on my Facebook page that I thought where genuinely interesting.  Articles that ranged from completely anti religion, to political, to science related, to just plain funny.  Now, let me preface this by saying that while I recently "came out" with my atheism, I have never in my adult life subscribed to or adhered to any sort of religion.  I didn't have some great awakening.  I simply realized that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,  I'm gonna call it a duck.  The links I shared I would have found just as interesting before I changed my religious views status to "ATHEIST".

  Holy shit I caught some hell!   From my own brother, from good friends, even from my lovely wife(she's on board with most of what I'm saying, but wishes I wouldn't make such a stink about it).  I've been told that my hobby must be religion bashing, and that atheism might be a religion as well (this on came today via comment on a picture I posted).  I was accused of doing the same thing I feel so passionately against (proselytizing) and that  I'm a hypocrite for it.  All because I posted some stuff to my own wall to share.

  I have friends and family that are religious. I see stuff all the time in the news feed saying "thank God for this and that" or "please pray for so and so." I have only on two occasions commented on them. Once to ask a relative about scripture that they had copied and pasted, because what was quoted from the bible,  was nowhere near what the actual bible verse reads.  Turns out I was correct on that one, and I was thanked for making them aware of the mistake. And on one other occasion I defended the constitutional  rights of the Westboro Baptists to peacefully assemble outside of funerals of soldiers. Again, it was a copy and paste link to a  news story that commended the local law enforcement for illegally detaining members of the church to prevent a protest.  I actually felt bad about that one. I detest everything that group stands for, I just thought it was interesting that "Good Christians" where condoning behavior that was not very christ-like, and unconstitutional.

 I am an atheist.  I don't believe in any gods.  While we can all argue semantics all day long,  I am just as likely to convert you to my beliefs as you're likely to convert me to yours (this probability being infinitesimal).  I however, am not trying to convert you.  I am simply sharing ideas, (that may or may not be in line with my own) stories, and pictures on a social network. There is no repercussion stated or implied for not agreeing with me.  That being said why the hell can't you choose ignore them if they don't sit well with you? Block me (because it's probably not the last time it's going to happen) if it is that offensive to you. Or, offer me an alternative opinion expressed without venom or animosity.  Send me a link to an op-ed story, offer me a different perspective rather then personally attacking me.  I'm not big on nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah arguments though.  So be smart, be creative!  Just don't be a dick.